Monday, October 04, 2004

The bitching and general cynical attitude I show toward my wrok environment has to really tax people at times. My new boss called me on my negativity the other day and it caught me a bit off-guard. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t realize that I am often negative at work, but I always try and use it as a means of finding humor in things. While my new boss might not quite get this about me yet, it did make me realize that perhaps I’ve been a bit too cocky these days.

I often ridicule the younger generation, being in a academic setting certainly lends itself to this. But, for as much as I get pissed at the ignorance of folks younger than me, I realize that was once me. The problem is that, as I approach 30, I have been looking at myself as a knowledgeable person. This, of course, isn’t true, and it me who needed this recent reality check. I don’t know shit about shit.

I dwell on what is wrong with my work situation all the time, constantly wondering and dreaming about what it would be like if I was only doing what I wanted for living. It’s the same thing I have written about a million times. Yes, I’m doing it again. The problem is, I tend to think it’s my cynical views of the world that inspire my writing. To an extent it does. But do I really need to exhibit this at work?

I guess what it boils down to, again, is that I don't no where to draw the line. And again, it's why I am very much looking forward to becoming a father.

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