Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Smack dab in the middle of commencement season and I figured it would only be right to tip my mortar board to the thousands of college students around the area who will be receiving their sheepskins and heading off to the real world. So, congratulations and welcome to hell.

I miss college and its hallowed grounds chock full of students, fueled by click of mouse total information access, warped on personal beliefs that they are going to make a difference and change the world. Oh, to be young and naïve without a care or true responsibility filled to the brim with idealistic optimism. Makes

Jealousy aside, what really gets me is listening to graduation bound students wish away their final semester proclaiming they are so happy to be done with
college. I only have one question, are you all insane?

Sure, I can remember and relate to what it was like to know nothing but school for the better part of 16 years of your life, but for the love of all that is holy, don‚t be so excited to be out. Because for all the excitement that comes with the opportunity to
finally apply your hard work and education in an actual job, the novelty will wear off fast. The nine-to-five world will get old fast and soon you'll be begging to have those days of all the adult freedoms with none of the responsibilities back.

College is the greatest ego-booster around. Sure you're paying them to learn and the workload can get treacherous, but if you make it through to graduation, you can walk out of it feeling like the world owes you everything. When I received my diploma I was hell-bent on staying true to myself and not compromising any of beliefs or dreams, which meant nothing more than avoiding the "real" world as long as physically
possible. It was a good year and half of bartending, traveling and, of course, partying, but eventually, reality sunk in. It was time to put my degree to work. So, off went the Birkenstocks and out came the neckties.

When I finally landed my first "real" job, I was resolute on retaining my individuality at all costs. But gradually, corporate life began to chip away the
chip on my shoulder and compromise became my modus operandi. I went from vowing to never wear a tie to vowing never to own a suit to owning a suit. It didn‚t take to long to deduce that it‚s pretty tough to assert your individuality in the gray corporate world,
especially as a young professional. It is more than enough to have you longing for the weekly thirsty Thursday night benders. But, I‚m starting to come full circle; at least trying to anyway.

Of course, that full circle has me a bit resentful, albeit more understanding of my place in life. I don‚t necessarily think that I want to go to be back in college, despite the part of me that still believe he is still 22, but I do think I can deliver at least
a bit of a message to recent grads. Enjoy what you have and by all means, don‚t be in a rush to grow-up so fast. There is plenty of time for that. Take the time now to explore and try things because you will only get the free pass right now. Soon, deadlines,
bosses and even more intense pressure than you had in college will rule your life. Don‚t get me wrong, career success balanced with a great family life have joys of their own, and while getting a great raise from doing an incredible job is a satisfying feeling, it still doesn't hold a candle to being able to pull three all-nighters in a row and still managing to remain your beer pong title.

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