Monday, May 19, 2003
“Yankees Suck.” I am so sick of that stupid chant because it’s not true, the Yankees anything but suck. Of course, if I had $170 million to blow, I could put together a perennial World Series team as well.
I cringed when I first saw those t-shirts and bumper stickers being vended on Lansdown St., it just never made sense to me. Sure, the Yankees are the Evil Empire spawned from the concrete metropolis with the Madison Ave. cover boy at short…but suck?
Let’s face it, with 26 world championship and appearances in the four of the last five Worlds Series the Yankees are the best. Heck, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least in the YES conglomerate was somehow behind the Yankees suck shirt. how appropriate would that be, the Yankees profiting off Boston stupidity? Then I realized, New Yorkers couldn’t be that brazen. Dirty? Yes. Ballsy? Yes. But suck? No.
We’re a bitter bunch up here, more so with each day our beloved Sox slip further behind the Spanks. But when that bitterness wells up, don’t direct it towards mindless chants…look around our city and realize, not only are we a whole lot more dignified than New York, but we’re a lot less smelly.
Look, I love New York. It’s an urban marvel. No where in the world can you find more delis, pizza parlors, newsstands, rats or freaks in a city block than crammed into a New York City block. But let’s face it, ya’ll are a bunch of freaks. For instance, there this story from a recent.
Now, I’ve been to NYC at least a couple of dozen times in my adult life and I always can count on seeing something new each time I’m there. From the house cat-sized rat to the transvestite drag queen to the naked shoe shine man to the Loch Ness Monster I spotted in a swamp at the corner of 5th and 45th one New Years Eve, NYC is the best freak show there is. But what puts it over the top is that it seems like everyone is a Yankee fan. And during baseball season it seems the entire town…all eight million of you, will make a point of stopping what you are doing to see how your beloved Yankees are faring. From your wealthiest celebrities out by Central Park to the poorest bum of them all, you need to know. And what’s more, is it unites you under one cause. Oh sure, you get this in Boston in the form of misery loving company, but it is no where near the same level as NYC. In other words, you wouldn’t see your Sex in the City types mingling with a homeless guy and his two cats.
For what’s its worth, I actually saw a homeless guy with two cats panhandling on 57th during my last trip to the rotten Apple. He was stretched out between Park and Madison with a cardboard saying “please help, homeless.” This is no doubt as normal a site to you NYC’ers as it would be to we Boston folk, but this guy had with him two cats. And I’m not talking two cats that were merely just hanging out with him in hopes a mite might dislodge from his beard. No, these were his cats…all two of them, complete with two open cans of cat food and a litter box crafted out of one of those aluminum drip pans you use on your backyard(grassy knolls found often behind one’s house for you NYC’ers.) grill, wearing a Yankees shirt. And of course, the cynic in me woke-up. Here was this guy replete with Yankee regalia and two cats, fat cats mind you, begging for money for food…and I’m thinking…eat the damn cat food or the cats for that matter.
But I digress. I visit on a regular basis, because being the devout Boston Irish-American that I am, NYC offers extended drinking time…it’s the only thing you have up on us. Well, that and 26 Championships. Come to think of it, NYC doesn’t seem like a bad place. (Did I just say that? Clearly this Sox fan has taken bitterness to a new extreme). The bottom line is, the Yankees don’t suck (Yankees suck).
I cringed when I first saw those t-shirts and bumper stickers being vended on Lansdown St., it just never made sense to me. Sure, the Yankees are the Evil Empire spawned from the concrete metropolis with the Madison Ave. cover boy at short…but suck?
Let’s face it, with 26 world championship and appearances in the four of the last five Worlds Series the Yankees are the best. Heck, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least in the YES conglomerate was somehow behind the Yankees suck shirt. how appropriate would that be, the Yankees profiting off Boston stupidity? Then I realized, New Yorkers couldn’t be that brazen. Dirty? Yes. Ballsy? Yes. But suck? No.
We’re a bitter bunch up here, more so with each day our beloved Sox slip further behind the Spanks. But when that bitterness wells up, don’t direct it towards mindless chants…look around our city and realize, not only are we a whole lot more dignified than New York, but we’re a lot less smelly.
Look, I love New York. It’s an urban marvel. No where in the world can you find more delis, pizza parlors, newsstands, rats or freaks in a city block than crammed into a New York City block. But let’s face it, ya’ll are a bunch of freaks. For instance, there this story from a recent.
Now, I’ve been to NYC at least a couple of dozen times in my adult life and I always can count on seeing something new each time I’m there. From the house cat-sized rat to the transvestite drag queen to the naked shoe shine man to the Loch Ness Monster I spotted in a swamp at the corner of 5th and 45th one New Years Eve, NYC is the best freak show there is. But what puts it over the top is that it seems like everyone is a Yankee fan. And during baseball season it seems the entire town…all eight million of you, will make a point of stopping what you are doing to see how your beloved Yankees are faring. From your wealthiest celebrities out by Central Park to the poorest bum of them all, you need to know. And what’s more, is it unites you under one cause. Oh sure, you get this in Boston in the form of misery loving company, but it is no where near the same level as NYC. In other words, you wouldn’t see your Sex in the City types mingling with a homeless guy and his two cats.
For what’s its worth, I actually saw a homeless guy with two cats panhandling on 57th during my last trip to the rotten Apple. He was stretched out between Park and Madison with a cardboard saying “please help, homeless.” This is no doubt as normal a site to you NYC’ers as it would be to we Boston folk, but this guy had with him two cats. And I’m not talking two cats that were merely just hanging out with him in hopes a mite might dislodge from his beard. No, these were his cats…all two of them, complete with two open cans of cat food and a litter box crafted out of one of those aluminum drip pans you use on your backyard(grassy knolls found often behind one’s house for you NYC’ers.) grill, wearing a Yankees shirt. And of course, the cynic in me woke-up. Here was this guy replete with Yankee regalia and two cats, fat cats mind you, begging for money for food…and I’m thinking…eat the damn cat food or the cats for that matter.
But I digress. I visit on a regular basis, because being the devout Boston Irish-American that I am, NYC offers extended drinking time…it’s the only thing you have up on us. Well, that and 26 Championships. Come to think of it, NYC doesn’t seem like a bad place. (Did I just say that? Clearly this Sox fan has taken bitterness to a new extreme). The bottom line is, the Yankees don’t suck (Yankees suck).